I'm absolutely serious.
It's funny how these certain revelations come about.
We spend our lives learning to cut, to divide (and conquer), to segment, to parse, to trim, to make sense of (what, exactly?), and simplify (there's not much left at this point). We grow up to become Republicans or Democrats (and sometimes a Green); we follow (G)od/Jesus, Allah, Krishna or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. We are strictly for or anti-abortion. We are with, or against.
It's easy to forget (or, lose sight of--it's easier to be blind) how bifurcated our lives can become.
Now, this isn't me just being an anti-reductionist (I would then be a hypocrite--actually, let me just go and screw everything up by agreeing that I already am one). I get it; a few options are nice (compared to a million). I like chapters, and compartments. Thatwholegenre/styleofwriting--streamofconsciousnessIthinktheycallit nopunctuation...it'scrazy,andIdontknowthatIexactlylikeitallthetime.
But I swear, if I meet another woman on Match.com who starts with:
This would be funny if it didn't involve my dating life (though I guess that makes it funny in itself). But really, I am not looking for some half-person [So you don't like cats? That's fine, but please do not metaphysically cut off your legs before meeting my animal soul-mate, Little Bear]. Are you such a dull person that you believe the only thing that defines you is your participation in a completely, arbitrarily constructed call:response (binary) relationship?
There are no real people (just as there are no fake ones); these are only the names we use to cover up our own inadequacies. Being "whole" is not the opposite of being "incomplete" or "empty". Being "whole" is having the courage to have the patience to participate in a complex world, one that demands an attention to detail, and one that requires the gall to define one's relationship to that world by using more than Palin-sized sound-bytes.
/Cue the wave of emails from non-cat-hating applicants.
It's funny how these certain revelations come about.
We spend our lives learning to cut, to divide (and conquer), to segment, to parse, to trim, to make sense of (what, exactly?), and simplify (there's not much left at this point). We grow up to become Republicans or Democrats (and sometimes a Green); we follow (G)od/Jesus, Allah, Krishna or the Flying Spaghetti Monster. We are strictly for or anti-abortion. We are with, or against.
It's easy to forget (or, lose sight of--it's easier to be blind) how bifurcated our lives can become.
Now, this isn't me just being an anti-reductionist (I would then be a hypocrite--actually, let me just go and screw everything up by agreeing that I already am one). I get it; a few options are nice (compared to a million). I like chapters, and compartments. Thatwholegenre/styleofwriting--streamofconsciousnessIthinktheycallit nopunctuation...it'scrazy,andIdontknowthatIexactlylikeitallthetime.
But I swear, if I meet another woman on Match.com who starts with:
"I am a dog person. I am NOT a cat person,"I'm going to crack (add another chink to the amour/soul).
This would be funny if it didn't involve my dating life (though I guess that makes it funny in itself). But really, I am not looking for some half-person [So you don't like cats? That's fine, but please do not metaphysically cut off your legs before meeting my animal soul-mate, Little Bear]. Are you such a dull person that you believe the only thing that defines you is your participation in a completely, arbitrarily constructed call:response (binary) relationship?
There are no real people (just as there are no fake ones); these are only the names we use to cover up our own inadequacies. Being "whole" is not the opposite of being "incomplete" or "empty". Being "whole" is having the courage to have the patience to participate in a complex world, one that demands an attention to detail, and one that requires the gall to define one's relationship to that world by using more than Palin-sized sound-bytes.
/Cue the wave of emails from non-cat-hating applicants.
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