[Dedicated to Mom: You know I'm just kidding...] It was an early summer, Sunday morning. The kind where the flies don't seem such a nuisance with pancakes on the griddle, a pot of syrup bubbling on the stove with berries of red and blue and a healthy dose of butter mixed in for good measure. Sun pours through kitchen windows, and kids run about, fighting and hollering until plates are set and food is ready. Silver dollars never had such power but in pancake form. Fast forward 20 years It's that same type of early summer, Sunday morning. But now the griddle is idle and looks a forgotten shrine (though still more sacred than traditional ones), and the only remnants of a shared meal drips off of the counter onto tile floor as the cat laps up spilled milk. The kids are still fighting and it seems that the currencies have changed: "Mom, I can't believe we're taking Conan. I mean, we're hiking up a mountain, he'll just complaint he whole time ...
Life after the Academy