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Showing posts from April, 2006

More insanity

I'm not dead yet. But I don't have much more to say than what I'm working on; so enjoy. Aldous Huxley tells us that art is only for beginners, for those “who have made up their minds to be content with the ersatz of Suchness, with symbols rather than with what they signify, with the elegantly composed recipe in lieu of actual dinner.” If this is the epiphany of Huxley’s new found perception, then perhaps Julie Mehretu is not an artist; rather, she is a creator, an image producer, a traitor, a world assembler, a manifold becoming: a woman, man, demon, landscape, flight; a writer. Begin with a map. The ink landscapes and diagrams in Mehretu’s works have been described as the underlying structure of her work; however, a beginning does not imply this notion of hierarchy. Rather, the image becomes with map, is map becoming… becoming what? Like Perec, sitting in a cafĂ©, looking, reckoning, connecting, “Try to describe,” “Try to classify,” “Decipher

take a step back...

So this is what my desk looks like right now: Only 24 more days of "this" and then I can finally sleep. In other news, it's Easter. Well, it's raining too, so I'm not sure if that makes it more like any other day than normal. For Easter dinner, I went to Andronicos and bought a roasted salmon salad and a loaf of walnut-sourdough. Delicious. For dessert, I read "The Thought of Movies," also quite pleasing. But seriously, next semester: I'm taking only 1 rhetoric class (officially that is, I may audit another). That means I'll have to get some fluff classes (thank you japanese). I have this dream of actually sleeping next semester, not having to write 20 page papers, and actually enjoying things *outside* of my 3-hour class. Here's to that wish


I have four weeks to finish my research paper + other final paper + japanese composition. I realize that may be a long time for some people, but I'm slow, especially in japanese, and especially in philosophy. in other news, Shakespeare's Venus and Adonis is one sexually explicit poem!


What happened to the weather? ...somebody bring back the sun