Last nigth I went out with some dear old friends. Not just old friends, but Old, old friends. No seriously, they're all either married, have extreme facial hair (Evan now looks like Captain Ahab), or work 40 hour weeks (inconceivable!). But yes, we met at our traditional Round Table Pizza, in the mall (I'm starting to wonder if that was a good tradition to start). It took 20 minutes to find parking. I didn't even know there were enough cars to fill our parking lot. After reminissing over how old we were, we went and bought beer (thank you Sean), and went back to Danny's for the traditional: movies, chips, poker (+ beer). Other than that, I don't really remember what happened. Kidding! I only had 3 beers over the course of a few hours. Although everyone else will tell you my brain was on vacation. I will rebut that now and say it was not. Coincidently, I lost horribly at poker. I blame the chips. The tortilla chips. But all is well now. It's too cl...